oHA expands to the energy sector

LuxActive offers a well-established digital platform and (web) app oHA as a white label solution, mainly for tourists but also for citizens of regions. Services across sectors such as tourism, public sector, energy or mobility can be covered with oHA. With the European SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project, we want to offer innovative energy services using oHA that are also strongly networked with the public sector. We aim to provide a tool with the oHA web app that facilitates decision-making processes within the energy sector for citizens, energy communities, or local companies that produce energy from renewable resources. Using current and historical data from the newly developed SYNERGY big data platform, oHA can use AI/ML technologies to demonstrate whether it would be better for the energy producer to sell the self-produced energy on the marketplace or consume it themselves.
Moreover, it also shows how much energy they need to produce to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Current market prices in the energy sector, smart meter data, or weather data are also taken into account. With clear visualizations of energy consumption and production from different periods, oHA will provide innovative and smart services to local energy producers. LuxActive is pleased to implement and realize digital technologies in the energy sector as a technical service provider within the framework of this project.
oHA energy services within the SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project
- Live view of energy production with estimated revenue and recommendations for optimizing energy consumption (based on data from the SYNERGY platform).
- Visualization of energy production and consumption using the dashboard for local energy producers
- Graphical representation and visualization of the best sales opportunities or self-consumption of the produced energy for the energy producer (the best time to charge cars, mow the lawn, or use household devices)
- Price information on the market for the energy producer (based on SYNERGY smart meter data with current production/consumption and energy market data)
- Individually customizable notifications in the app oHA, depending on current energy production/consumption and price development
- Smart forecasts and recommendations for the energy producer (based on AI technologies that reflect the weather and energy consumption comparison)
- Account linking of the energy producer's personal smart meter data via APIs with the SYNERGY platform
- Switching between monetary and ecological optimization of energy production. The energy producer can freely decide whether he wants to maximize his profit or his ecological footprint with respect to energy production
About the SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project

The SYNERGY - Horizon 2020 project offers an innovative Big Data architecture via the SYNERGY platform, which was designed for the European energy sector. This is used to optimize power grids holistically and to understand the complexity of the energy sector. Energy data from different databases (data APIs, historical data, statistics, sensor/IoT data, weather data, and other open data sources) are bundled and available for individual energy producers. As a result, energy sector actors such as energy communities, private individuals, or companies can expand their data in the energy sector, better utilize their internal resources, and at the same time be involved in innovative data exchange and analysis models. In this way, the newly developed SYNERGY Big Data Platform helps to improve data insights from the energy sector and brings individual decision-making to a collective one.
Structure of the SYNERGY concept
- Energy systems (energy installations and energy networks)
- Human factors (energy communities, users, local companies and their behavior)
- Energy markets (transaction requirements, positioning, and market access for prosumers)
- Overall environment (weather variations and impact on the other sub-sectors)
Goals of the SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project
- To build a sustainable and more efficient system for energy goal management within the European area
- Evaluate and analyze energy data using AI/ML technologies
- Coordination between the actors of the energy sector also in terms of information sharing and data exchange using the Big Data SYNERGY platform
- Providing applications and tools for energy services
- Promotion of the energy value chain and the establishment of new business models
More about the SYNERGY H2020 project here!