Artikel mit dem Tag "#region"

Weinfrühling 2024: Shuttle Bus App makes wine tasting convenient for visitors
Mobility · 24. Mai 2024
Over the weekend of May 4th-5th, the Weinfrühling wine testing festival brought cheer to the Southern Burgenland pilot region! As part of the H2020 AURORAL project, we once again put our Shuttle Bus App to the test during this popular local event.

The points guest card system for the Werfenweng tourism region >>Smart Tourism Region<<
Tourism · 29. November 2023
In December 2021, we implemented with our digital guest portal oHA the new Werfenweng Card for the Werfenweng Tourism Association and the entire region (incl. all accommodation providers and external providers of experiences/offers). So now guests and tourists of the Werfenweng region can easily book local services and products, see what's going on in the region and enjoy their stay to the maximum!

Was sagen unsere Partner und Kunden: Kundenstimmen, zusammengefasst in Kurzinterviews
Trends und News · 08. September 2023
In unserer Interview-Rubrik finden Sie authentische Stimmen unserer Kunden und Partner aus dem Tourismussektor, die das Gästeportal oHA zur Erleichterung aund Automatisierung ihrer täglichen Arbeits- und Betriebsabläufe einsetzen. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von modernen Tourismusbetrieben, die mithilfe von oHA voll digitalisiert und automatisiert sind! In den folgenden Kurzinterviews erhafren Sie Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zum Gästeportal oHA.

Digital Story-Telling and Outdoor Guiding System in oHA - 6 questions to Truls Torblaa, Project Manager AURORAL - Horizon2020 EU Project for Hålogaland region
Tourism · 21. August 2023
In our interview rubric, we ask some interesting questions to our customers and partners about the digital platform oHA, their experiences and use of this platform and web app in different use cases, as well as about our cooperation. In this web blog, we talk with Truls Torblaa, Project Manager of AURORAL - Horizon2020 EU Project for the Hålogaland region in Norway.