Artikel mit dem Tag "#app"

Weinfrühling 2024: Shuttle Bus App makes wine tasting convenient for visitors
Mobility · 24. Mai 2024
Over the weekend of May 4th-5th, the Weinfrühling wine testing festival brought cheer to the Southern Burgenland pilot region! As part of the H2020 AURORAL project, we once again put our Shuttle Bus App to the test during this popular local event.

The web app oHA of the Hålogaland region now includes a new feature for easier mobility
Mobility · 23. Oktober 2023
As part of the H2020-AURORAL Project LuxActive has collaborated with Narvik Kommune and Smart Innovation Norway to create a web app that allows users to use independent digital services, including local data from the Hålogaland pilot region. Together with our Norwegian partners we created a regional oHA instance, a web app for tourists that offers a service for local attractions. This summer, also a new mobility function for tourists was added to the web app oHA of Hålogaland region!

PEDMaker Energy App for energy consumers, prosumers or energy communities
Energy · 20. Oktober 2023
PEDMaker is a new and innovative app developed by LuxActive for the energy sector within the H2020-SYNERGY Project. PEDMaker serves mainly local energy producers and users like households, companies and regional energy communities. To set up the PEDMaker App, we LuxActive, used energy data and analytics from the SYNERGY platform, which also successfully validated the app for a real-world environment!

PEDMaker Energy App für Energiegemeinschaften sowie private Energieerzeuger und -verbraucher
Energie · 20. Oktober 2023
PEDMaker ist eine innovative App, die von uns LuxActive, im Rahmen des H2020-SYNERGY Projekts für den Energiesektor entwickelt wurde. PEDMaker dient hauptsächlich lokalen Energieerzeugern und -verbrauchern wie Haushalten, Unternehmen und Betrieben sowie regionalen Energiegemeinschaften. Für die Umsetzung der PEDMaker Energy App haben wir Energiedaten und Analysen der SYNERGY-Plattform verwendet, bei welcher die Energy App auch erfolgreich in einer realen Umgebung getestet werden konnte!

Shuttle Bus App Demonstrator
Mobility · 23. Mai 2023
Testen Sie die Shuttle-Bus-App aus Sicht der Besucher/Endnutzer mit unserer Demo-Version!

Shuttle-Bus-App Demonstrator
Mobilität · 23. Mai 2023
Testen Sie die Shuttle-Bus-App aus Sicht der Besucher/Endnutzer mit unserer Demo-Version!

The new Energy App from LuxActive
Energy · 28. November 2022
Within the H2020 SYNERGY project, LuxActive developed an Energy App with new smart features for the energy sector. This will enable the end-users and stakeholders of an energy community to be better informed about their energy consumption and production and to achieve their monetary and CO2 targets. The App is suitable for municipalities but also for end-users (such as private households, companies, etc.).

LuxActive im SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 Projekt
Projekte · 01. August 2022
oHA wird als Entscheidungshilfe für Energiegemeinschaften und als Visualisierungstool für lokale Energieerzeuger eingesetzt. Lesen Sie mehr über die neue Herausforderung für die digitale Plattform oHA und die Einführung in den Energiesektor, mit dem SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 Projekt!

LuxActive in the SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project
Projects · 01. August 2022
oHA will be used as a decision support tool for energy communities and a visualization tool for local energy producers. Read more about the new challenge for the digital platform oHA and the launch in the energy sector with the SYNERGY - HORIZON 2020 project!

LuxActive KG took over the implementation of the Kälte-App for Fonds Soziales Wien (FSW, Vienna Social Fund
Public Sector · 28. Oktober 2019
The Kälte-App, now available as iOS App, Android App, or Web-App, was developed by LuxActive and presented on 28.10.2019 by the FSW Managing Director Anita Bauer, the Social City Councillor Peter Hacker, the Green Party Social Speaker Ursula Berner.