
Improving Solar Radiation Forecasts with CloudShadingAI: A Joint Research Project by LuxActive and MetGIS

The shift towards renewable energy sources like solar power is transforming Europe's energy strategy. However, the unpredictability of renewable energy generation poses challenges to maintaining a stable electrical supply. To address this issue, LuxActive KG and MetGIS GmbH have joined forces in the >>CloudShadingAI<< project, funded by the Austrian research funding agency FFG. This blog post highlights the contribution of LuxActive.

The Challenge >>Accurate Solar Radiation Forecasts<<

Solar power generators, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems, are becoming increasingly popular, but their efficiency depends on factors like light radiation, angle, and temperature. To optimize PV system performance, it is essential to find suitable locations with minimal shading during peak hours. Additionally, accurate short-term estimates of solar energy production are crucial to balance the grid. 

LuxActive's Contribution: AI-Based Cloud Forecasting

LuxActive brings its expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications to the project. The company is working on developing an AI-based cloud forecasting system that can accurately predict short-term cloud movement using satellite imagery, model output, and ground measurements. This approach will enhance the high-resolution spatial information from satellite images with data on clouds' physical parameters from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models.

Benefits of the Project

The CloudShadingAI project has significant benefits for sustainability, as it will enable grid providers to accurately predict solar power production and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. This is expected to lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions and increased confidence in solar energy. The project's innovative approach is considered unique and has the potential to be commercialized and used in further research and larger projects. 

Our Future Plans

LuxActive aims to create new technologies that will drive their future endeavors, particularly in local energy flexibility markets. We are working on highly precise cloud and shadow forecasting, a technology that is not yet readily available despite its importance for solar power generation. By owning this technology, LuxActive believes it will gain a competitive edge and open up new income streams in the tourism sector. 


The CloudShadingAI project is a significant step towards improving solar radiation forecasts and promoting sustainable energy production. LuxActive's contribution to the project highlights its commitment to innovation and sustainability. With its expertise in AI and machine learning, LuxActive is well-positioned to drive the development of new technologies that will shape the future of renewable energy. 

The FFG is the central national funding organization and strengthens Austria's innovative power. This project is funded by the FFG. www.ffg.at

More information about the project can be found in the FFG project database: https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/5123117

FAQ for this article

What are the benefits of the CloudShadingAI project? The CloudShadingAI project will enable grid providers to accurately predict solar power production and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions and increased confidence in solar energy.
What technology is LuxActive working on for future endeavors? LuxActive is working on highly precise cloud and shadow forecasting, a technology that is not yet readily available despite its importance for solar power generation.
How can AI-based cloud forecasting improve solar radiation forecasts? AI-based cloud forecasting can accurately predict short-term cloud movement using satellite imagery, model output, and ground measurements, enhancing high-resolution spatial information from satellite images with data on clouds' physical parameters from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models.
What are some potential new income streams in the tourism sector? New income streams could include ecotourism, adventure travel, and sustainable tourism options, such as solar-powered accommodations or tours focused on renewable energy.
How can AI improve weather forecasts for the tourism industry? AI can enhance weather forecasting by analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns to provide more accurate predictions, which can help tour operators make informed decisions about their business.
What is CloudShadingAI and how does it relate to solar radiation forecasts? CloudShadingAI is a project that uses AI to improve solar radiation forecasts by analyzing cloud patterns and predicting how they will impact solar energy production, which can be useful for the tourism industry in terms of planning and decision-making.
What are some key points for AI in forecasting? Some key points include the use of machine learning algorithms, data integration, and predictive analytics to improve forecast accuracy.
Can AI be used for long-term forecasts? Yes, AI can be used for long-term forecasts by analyzing historical trends and making predictions based on patterns and correlations.
How can AI improve the reliability of key points in forecasting? AI can improve the reliability of key points by reducing human bias and increasing accuracy through data-driven decision-making.